Early morning at the Red Rock Wilderness in Sedona
For us this is one of the most magic contrasts in nature: fresh white snow partly covering the red rocks in the American Southwest. The town of Sedona and its surrounding Red Rocks Wilderness can turn incredibly beautiful during wintertime. But this happens only on rare occasions, usually only once or twice a year.
We were told that February is the month with the highest chance for snowfall around this town. And usually you have to be fast, because the beauty doesn't last but a few hours and soon all the white will be gone again. So whenever there is snow in the forecast, don't miss the opportunity. It's definitely a great experience! But stay safe, Highway 89A is frequently closed during inclement weather and also the roads around town can be dangerous then.
This month's image was taken a few years ago at Soldier Pass Trail on a very (veeeery) cold morning. It is featured at the month of December in our this year's XXL calendar.
Image data: 1/5 s at f/13, ISO 100; Canon EF16-35mm f/2.8 L II USM, Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
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